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- Pedagogický pracovník
Technicko-hospodársky pracovník
- Oddelenie:
- Oddelenie informatizácie a riadenia procesov (OIaRP)
- Miestnosť:
- NB 666
- eMail:
- Webová stránka:
- https://www.uiam.sk/~cirka
- Telefón:
- +421 259 325 355
- Skype:
- lubos.cirka
- 0000-0001-9351-6855
- WoS ResearcherID:
- AAZ-3573-2020
- Google Scholar:
- Vedecká činnosť:
- Informačné technológie, adaptívne riadenie, identifikácia systémov
- Dostupnosť:
Od 07.03.2025 Do 07.03.2025
Od 14.03.2025 Do 14.03.2025
Od 21.03.2025 Do 21.03.2025
Od 28.03.2025 Do 28.03.2025
IDTOOL – IDentification TOOLbox
This toolbox implements blocks for continuous-time and discrete-time single-input single-output (SISO) and multi-input multi-output (MIMO) estimation methods, respectively. The identification method used as a work-house routine is LDDIF - recursive least squares algorithm with exponential and directional forgetting. To improve the tracking performance, the corrections as suggested by Bittanti are implemented. In the principle, the corrections influence the covariance matrix of the estimated parameters by adding some multiple of identity matrix.
Download: IDTOOL v4.0 – Simulink v5.0, MATLAB v6.5 (28.10.2006)
- Čirka, Ľ. – Fikar, M.: A Dynamical System Identification Toolbox. Editor(s): J. Mikleš, M. Fikar, M. Kvasnica, In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference Process Control '07, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, pp. 001f.pdf, 2007.
A model toolbox for MATLAB/Simulink has been developed at the Department of Information Engineering and Process Control IIEAM FCFT STU in Bratislava as a library of mathematical models of some processes from chemical technology: liquid holding tanks, heat exchangers, plate distillation columns and chemical reactors. The library has been developed in the MATLAB simulation environment and has the form of a MATLAB toolbox, which contains Simulink blocks of listed processes. These blocks allow simulation of dynamic behaviour of various types of processes using non-linear or linear mathematical models.
Download: MODELTOOL v1.0 – Simulink v5.0, MATLAB v6.5 (28.10.2006)
- Bakošová, M. – Baleja, J. – Čirka, Ľ.: MODELTOOL 1.0 - a Model Toolbox for MATLAB/Simulink. In 14th Annual Conference Proceedings: Technical Computing Prague 2006, The MathWorks, Inc. & HUMUSOFT s.r.o. & Ústav počítačové a řídicí techniky VŠCHT v Praze, pp. 12–12, 2006.
- Čirka, Ľ. – Bakošová, M. – Kvasnica, M. – Fikar, M.: Internet Module for Process Modelling and Simulation. In Principia Cybernetica 2010, Technická univerzita v Liberci, Liberec, Česká republika, pp. 22–26, 2010.
EXPID – EXPerimental IDentification
Toolbox EXPID is MATLAB GUI application that simplifies the process of transfer function identification from step responses based on measured data.
Download: EXPID v1.0 – Simulink v5.0, MATLAB v6.5 (28.10.2006)
- Dovaľ, P. – Čirka, Ľ. – Fikar, M.: EXPID - Experimental Identification Toolbox. In Proceedings of the 15th Annual Conference Technical Computing Prague 2007, Kongresové centrum ČVUT Praha, pp. 38–38, 2007.
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IDTOOL – IDentification TOOLbox
This toolbox implements blocks for continuous-time and discrete-time single-input single-output (SISO) and multi-input multi-output (MIMO) estimation methods, respectively. The identification method used as a work-house routine is LDDIF - recursive least squares algorithm with exponential and directional forgetting. To improve the tracking performance, the corrections as suggested by Bittanti are implemented. In the principle, the corrections influence the covariance matrix of the estimated parameters by adding some multiple of identity matrix.
Download: IDTOOL v4.0 – Simulink v5.0, MATLAB v6.5 (28.10.2006)
- Čirka, Ľ. – Fikar, M.: A Dynamical System Identification Toolbox. Editor(i): J. Mikleš, M. Fikar, M. Kvasnica, V Proceedings of the 16th International Conference Process Control '07, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, str. 001f.pdf, 2007.
A model toolbox for MATLAB/Simulink has been developed at the Department of Information Engineering and Process Control IIEAM FCFT STU in Bratislava as a library of mathematical models of some processes from chemical technology: liquid holding tanks, heat exchangers, plate distillation columns and chemical reactors. The library has been developed in the MATLAB simulation environment and has the form of a MATLAB toolbox, which contains Simulink blocks of listed processes. These blocks allow simulation of dynamic behaviour of various types of processes using non-linear or linear mathematical models.
Download: MODELTOOL v1.0 – Simulink v5.0, MATLAB v6.5 (28.10.2006)
- Bakošová, M. – Baleja, J. – Čirka, Ľ.: MODELTOOL 1.0 - a Model Toolbox for MATLAB/Simulink. V 14th Annual Conference Proceedings: Technical Computing Prague 2006, The MathWorks, Inc. & HUMUSOFT s.r.o. & Ústav počítačové a řídicí techniky VŠCHT v Praze, str. 12–12, 2006.
- Čirka, Ľ. – Bakošová, M. – Kvasnica, M. – Fikar, M.: Internet Module for Process Modelling and Simulation. V Principia Cybernetica 2010, Technická univerzita v Liberci, Liberec, Česká republika, str. 22–26, 2010.
EXPID – EXPerimental IDentification
Toolbox EXPID is MATLAB GUI application that simplifies the process of transfer function identification from step responses based on measured data.
Download: EXPID v1.0 – Simulink v5.0, MATLAB v6.5 (28.10.2006)
- Dovaľ, P. – Čirka, Ľ. – Fikar, M.: EXPID - Experimental Identification Toolbox. V Proceedings of the 15th Annual Conference Technical Computing Prague 2007, Kongresové centrum ČVUT Praha, str. 38–38, 2007.