doc. Ing. MSc. Martin Klaučo, PhD.
- Pracovné zaradenie:
- Pedagogický pracovník
- Oddelenie:
- Oddelenie informatizácie a riadenia procesov (OIaRP)
- Miestnosť:
- NB 663
- eMail:
- Webová stránka:
- Telefón:
- +421 259 325 345
- Skype:
- m.klauco
- 0000-0003-0098-2625
- WoS ResearcherID:
- G-3973-2015
- Google Scholar:
Kandidatúra na dekana FCHPT
Grants and Projects
- 2018-19 - Excelent Teams of STU in Bratislava: Economically Effective Control of Energy Intensive Chemical Processes (principal investigator) (LINK)
- 2017 - Grant for Young Researcher: Complex Predictive Control of Energy-Demanding Chemical Processes (principal investigator) (LINK)
- 2016 - Grant for Young Researcher: Advanced Optimal and Safety Oriented Control of Energy-Intensive Processes (principal investigator) (LINK)
Research Interests
Available presentations:
Presentations are best viewed as a single page on a screen
- Article: Real-Time Implementation of a Reference Governor on the Arduino Microcontroller (2015) (PDF)
- Thesis: Predictive Control of Complex Systems (2015) (PDF)
- Article: Explicit MPC Approach to PMV-Based Thermal Comfort Control (2014) (PDF)
- Article: Building Temperature Control by Simple MPC-like Feedback Laws Learned from Closed-Loop Data (2014) (PDF)
- Article: Identification and Control of a Laboratory Distillation Column (2014) (PDF)
- Article: Mixed-Integer SOCP Formulation of the Path Planning Problem for Heterogeneous Multi-Vehicle Systems (2014) (PDF)
- Article: Explicit Stochastic MPC Approach to Building Temperature Control (2013) (PDF)
- Article: Frequency Weighted Model Predictive Control of Wind Turbine (2013) (PDF)
Dissertation Thesis:
- MPC-based Reference Governors: Theory and Applications (2017) (PDF)
Teaching Activities
- Optimization courses for bachelor and masters students
- Model predictive control course for masters students
- Theory of automation control for masters students
- Process control basics for bachelor students
LaTeX Seminars
- Presentation Template using Beamer class and TikZ (ZIP)