On Friday, June 21, 2024, PhD students Patrik Valábek and Jozef Vargan defended their Dissertation Examination. Congratulations!
Patrik Valábek defended his thesis on "Machine Learning-Enabled Identification and Control of Chemical and Energy-Intensive Processes" supervised by Assoc. Prof. Martin Klaučo.
Jozef Vargan defended his thesis on "Data Based Process Control" supervised by Prof. Miroslav Fikar.
On June 18, IAM students Michaela Belušková, Ivana Dukayová, Marek Horecký, Patrik Neštrák, Teodor Noga, and Jakub Gaborčík, successfully defended their bachelor theses. Congratulations!
The graduation ceremony of master students at FCHPT STU in Bratislava was on Friday, June 14. IAM students Martin Bíreš, Richard Fodor, Lukáš Lukča, Vanesa Madleňáková (Magna Cum Laude), Olivér Mészáros, Matej Ružička (Magna Cum Laude), and Martina Tomaškovičová were graduated. Congratulations!
On June 13, IAM students Richard Fodor, Lukáš Lukča, Vanesa Madleňáková, Olivér Mészáros, Matej Ružička, and Martina Tomaškovičová were awarded for the outstanding master theses. Congratulations!
On March 11-15, our colleague Ing. Kristina Fedorová visited the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland. During her visit, she continued joint research with Dr. Yuning Jiang and Associate Professor Colin Jones. She gave a lecture to the members of the Automatic Control Laboratory on the topic "Real-time Parallelizable MPC using Spatio-temporal Splitting".
On June 2-6, the 34th European Symposium on Computer-Aided Process Engineering (ESCAPE-34) and the 15th International Symposia on Process Systems Engineering held in Florence, Italy. On behalf of the IAM, the conference was attended by prof. Ing. Miroslav Fikar, DrSc., doc. Ing. Radoslav Paulen, Phd., Ing. Rastislav Fáber, Ing. Jozef Vargan and Ing. Matej Ružička.
At the conference, our colleagues presented papers:
Vargan Jozef - Puk Jakub - Ľubušký Karol - Fikar Miroslav: Steady-State Optimality Analysis of MPC Controllers
Ružička Matej - Helgeland Ingrid - Paulen Radoslav: Modeling and Simulation of a Forward Osmosis Process
Fáber Rastislav - Mojto Martin - Ľubušký Karol - Paulen Radoslav: From Data to Alarms: Data-Driven Anomaly Detection Techniques in Industrial Settings
50th International Conference of SSCHE 2024 took place in Tatranské Matliare, High Tatras, Slovakia on May 20-24, 2024. Kadir Ercan Özdemir, Marko Micherda, Matej Ružička, and Dr. Radoslav Paulen participated in the conference as representatives of IAM.
On May 28, IAM students Martin Bíreš, Richard Fodor, Lukáš Lukča, Vanesa Madleňáková, Olivér Mészáros, Matej Ružička, Martina Tomaškovičová, and Hamid Ullah Rashedy. successfully defended their master theses. Congratulations!
On May, 27 the IAM students presented their results on the Vertical Project integrating the students in the 2nd and 3rd years of the bachelor’s study programme "Process Control". Each team presented the results of the Smart Eco Greenhouse VESNA development. Among other goals, students in the SmartTeam identified the parameters of the greenhouse model using the extensive set of experimentally collected data. Using these data, the students designed and implemented a closed-loop controller for the internal environment of a greenhouse. Students in the MeteoTeam designed their weather station to be installed next to the solar panel of VESNA. Students also designed a printed circuit board to manage the communication of the weather station with the cloud service. Except for scientific goals, the project develops students' soft skills such as teamwork, time- and task management, and presentation skills. The students also proposed further interesting ideas on how to continue the development of the project.
We are authors of a new article in the international scientific journal European Journal of Control:
The paper investigates possibilities to accelerate the real-time evaluation of optimal controllers implemented on embedded hardware, and efficient storage of the associated control law.