M. Uher, V. Milata: Ján Mikleš 80 ročný, Osobnosti FCHPT STU v
Bratislave. Slovenská chemická knižnica, 2018.
The main aim of this area is to develop a package of algorithms and program implementation of various known control designs for given plants. The research interests include single input-single output systems as well as multivariable dynamic systems. Control design covers strategies in discrete-time and continuous-time formulation. A program package is created in MATLAB/Simulink environment.
The main aim of this area is to develop a package of algorithms and program implementation of various known control designs for given plants. The research interests include single input-single output systems as well as multivariable dynamic systems. Control design covers strategies in discrete-time and continuous-time formulation. A program package is created in MATLAB/Simulink environment.
Most of technological plants exhibit non-linear behaviour. To apply a successful control design to practical problems is a substantial effort. It is known that processes are modelled and controlled with serious difficulties caused by their non-linear behaviour, high order dynamics, and tendency to instability. Many of industrial processes must be considered as multivariable systems. In a great deal of available control design techniques it is often necessary to carry out the steps of modelling, identification and control design. Theory and implementation of adaptive control in technological systems have been the long-time research topics.
Advanced Optimal Process Control