J. Mikleš, M. Fikar, Process Modelling, Identification, and
Control. Springer Verlag, Berlin, 2007, ISBN 978-3-540-71969-4
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Ján Mikleš,
Miroslav Fikar.
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Process Modelling, Identification, and Control presents the time
domain versus polynomial approach to modern process control. This book
deals with:
- Process mathematical modelling (liquid storage, heat, and mass
transfer models; models of chemical and biochemical reactors)
- State-space, and input-output process models (stability, BIBO
stability, controllability, and observability of continuous-time
systems; matrix fraction descriptions of MIMO systems)
- Dynamical process characteristics (time responses of linear
systems; computer simulations; frequency characteristics of
- Discrete-time process models (state-space, and input-output
discrete-time process models; stability, controllability, and
observability of discrete-time systems)
- Process identification (identification from step responses;
recursive least squares methods)
- Design of simple controllers
- LQ, LQG, and H2 optimal control (optimal control and principle of
minimum, dynamic programming; state observation, Kalman filter; state
feedback with observer; polynomial interpretation of state feedback
with observer; Youla-Kučera parametrisation, dual parametrisation;
observer LQ control, state-space and polynomial interpretation; LQG
control, state-space and polynomial interpretation; H2 optimal
control, state-space and polynomial interpretation)
- Predictive control (optimal predictive control,
predictor from state-space model, explicit approach, tuning)
- Adaptive control (discrete-time, and continuous-time self-tuning
control; adaptive control of a tubular reactor)
The intended audience of this book includes graduate students but can
also be of interest to practising engineers or applied scientists that
are interested in modelling, identification, and process control. By
using this book, control engineering students can obtain a knowledge
of the analysis and design of control systems.
Review: "The book is well organized and presents the most
important classical and modern essentials of control
engineering. Suitable for senior under graduate and under graduate
students as well as practical engineers and researchers interested in
modeling and control process."
Sivasundaram, Zentralblatt MATH, Vol. 1121 (23), 2007)