- Position:
- PhD student
- Department:
- Department of Information Engineering and Process Control (DIEPC)
- Room:
- NB 647
- eMail:
- Home page:
- https://www.uiam.sk/~drgona/
- Phone:
- +421 259 325 349
- Research activities:
- Model Predictive Control, Building temperature and comfort control, Process control (distillation)
- Availability:
Research areas
- Model predictive control
- Building temperature control
- Distillation control
Available presentations:
- Article: Comparison of MPC Strategies for Building
Control (PC 2013) (PDF)
- Minithesis: Model Predictive Control with
Applications in Building Thermal Comfort Control (2015)
- Article: Model Identification and Predictive
Control of a Laboratory Binary Distillation Column
(PC 2015) (PDF)
- Article: MPC-Based Reference Governors for Thermostatically Controlled Residential Buildings
(CDC 2015) (PDF)
- Article: Regionless Explicit MPC of a Distillation Column
(ECC 2016) (PDF)
- Abstract: Explicit Model Predictive Control of a Fuel Cell
(EUCCO 2016) (PDF)
- Abstract: Impact of the controller model complexity on MPC
performance evaluation for building climate control
(EUCCO 2016) (PDF)
Available works:
- Control theory: H_inf regulator synthesis (in slovak)
- Minithesis: Model Predictive Control with Applications in Building Thermal Comfort Control
- Prediktívne riadenie s modelom
- Riadenie tepelnej pohody v budovách
- Riadenie destilačnej kolóny
Dostupné prezentácie:
- Článok:Comparison of MPC Strategies for Building
Control (PC 2013) (PDF)
- Minimovka: Model Predictive Control with
Applications in Building Thermal Comfort Control (2015)
- Článok: Model Identification and Predictive
Control of a Laboratory Binary Distillation Column
(PC 2015) (PDF)
- Článok: MPC-Based Reference Governors for Thermostatically Controlled Residential Buildings
(CDC 2015) (PDF)
- Článok: Regionless Explicit MPC of a Distillation Column
(ECC 2016) (PDF)
- Abstrakt: Explicit Model Predictive Control of a Fuel Cell
(EUCCO 2016) (PDF)
- Abstrakt: Impact of the controller model complexity on MPC
performance evaluation for building climate control
(EUCCO 2016) (PDF)
Dostupné práce:
- Teória automatického riadenia: syntéza H_inf regulátora
- Minimovka: Model Predictive Control with Applications in Building Thermal Comfort Control