The social program at the conference PC'05 will be organized on Wednesday and Thursday, June 8–9, 2005, in the afternoon. Three possibilities how to spend a free afternoon are offered and the trip will be organized according to the interest of participants. The conference bus is provided for two of them andthe maximum number of participants is 40. The third excursion is induvidual. Levoča – historical town (Wednesday, June 8, 14:00, bus provided)
In 1840´s Levoča was a center of the Slovak
National Movement, protesting against the process of Hungarian
assimilation of the Slovak nation. The current Slovak national anthem
was officially heard here for the first time. The Town Hall was built in the gothic style in the 15th century, and it was rebuilt in the renaissance style at the beginning of the 17th century. It has allegorical fresco paintings on its southern wall. The bell tower from 1656 - 1661, which in the 18th century gained some baroque features is connected to the Town Hall. The former Town Hall is today a museum of Spiš culture. In front of the Town Hall, there is a so-called "cage of shame" from the year 1600. The gothic St. James church is also the National Cultural Monument and the second tallest church built before 1400 in Slovakia. Its late gothic interior, with several fresco paintings from the late 14th century, is very unique. The most unique is primarily the main altar, that is 18.6 m high and 6 m wide, and is from the beginning of the 16th century. The statues were carved by Master Ján Pavol from Levoča. Statues of Madonna with a child (2.47 meters - over 8 feet tall), St. James Sr. (2.32 meters - 7 3/4 feet tall) and of St. John Evangelist (2.30 meters - 7 3/4 feet tall) are situated in the center of the altar. Relief decorations and board paintings are on both wings of the altar. The painting of the Last Supper is dominating. The church interior is very well preserved. In fact, it is now a museum of sacral art of the Middle Ages. Very interesting are side wing altars with the paintings and individual statues. The main altar is the tallest wood-carved late-gothic altar in the world. This creation of Master Ján Pavol from Levoča is protected as a National Cultural Monument. So-called Thurzo House is the most interesting of the townsmen houses in the town center. It was created in the 16th century by connecting two gothic houses. It will attract you by its façade color graphics and the unique gable architecture. Another important buildings are the gothic Minoritian church with monastery from the 14th century. The interior is in baroque style with gothic wall paintings from the 14th and 15th century. The Church of Holy Ghost and the Minoritian monastery are both situated close to Košická Gate built in the town walls and they were built in 1747. For further information see: Entrance tickets to museums (St. James Church, The Town Hall, Master Pavol from Levoča Museum: 30 – 60 SKK
Dunajec – rafting 9km in Dunajec Canyoun (Thursday, June 9, 14:00, bus provided)
Flowing further away Dunajec created a romantic ravine in the limestone reefs, known as Prielom Dunajca (Dunajec Canyon). Lesnícky creek is also one of the Dunajec tributaries. Then Dunajec turns to the northwest, flows through the Gorcov area to the Nowosacká dolina (Nowosacká Valley), where it meets with the river Poprad, which is the biggest tributary of the Dunajec River. 40 km further away Dunajec finally joins the river Visla. 3,6 km2 of the Dunajec Canyon area is a protected National Natural Reserve. It is a very interesting area especially by its flora and a picturesque landscape. 361 km2 of the Dunajec drainage is situated at the Slovak territory. 20 km long part of its flow is at the same time the Slovak-Polish border. You can hike through the Dunajec Canyon following the tourist trail with 10 informative (explanatory) tables. You can also take the opportunity to raft down the Dunajec River, which is a favourite local tourist attraction. Price for adults: 250 – 300 SKK For further information see:
Aquacity Poprad (Individual excursion)
Price for 1 hour ticket (according to type of chosen basins): 50 – 200 SKK For further information see: |