COMPUTATIONS OF SENSITIVITY COEFFICIENTS FOR DYNAMIC SYSTEMSHIRMAJER, T.; FIKAR, M.; CALIK, K. Abstract In many chemical engineering process control applications, we meet with non- effectiviness of process control. This is the reason, why dynamic optimization problems of non-linear systems (e.g., batch reactors, activated sludge treatment plants) are con- sidered here. These problems are usually solved by the control vector parameterization (CVP) approach, which transforms the original dynamic optimization problems into finite dimensional optimization problems (dynamic to static optimization problem), which can then be solved using non-linear programming (NLP). The paper is shows a variational method of calculating the sensitivity coefficients (gradient of a quality index with respect to constant optimized parameters) for multidimensional non-linear dynamic system described by ordinary differential equations with discontinuous right sides and discontinuous phase coordinates. Derivation of the method is then shown on an example of two tanks process with hybrid dynamic where interactive and non- interactive behaviors can be observed. Coresponding author e-mail: tomas[dot]hirmajer[at]stuba[dot]sk Session: Dynamic and Global Optimisation of Processes (Invited Session, M. Fikar) |