DECENTRALIZED APPROACH OF PILOT BUS SELECTIONRAKOVSKÝ, M.; MUDRONČÍK, D. Abstract The principle of the secondary voltage control is based on the voltage control not of generator buses, but of selected buses of power system. These buses are called pilot buses. There is very important to perform an optimum selection of pairs "synchronous generator – pilot bus". The selection of the pilot buses has to be made according a given objective function. In the paper, several types of objective functions are proposed. Before the selection process starts, it is useful to reduce the pilot number because of multidimensionality of the problem. To solve it, decentralized approach of sensitive matrix is used. After the reduction of pilot candidates, the optimum selection of pilot buses can be made. Coresponding author e-mail: rakovsky[at]mtf[dot]stuba[dot]sk Session: Linear and Non-linear Control System Design |