ADAPTATION OF INDIRECT MEASUREMENT SYSTEM FOR MEASURING TEMPERATURES INSIDE MATERIALKOSTÚR, K.; DURDÁN, M. Abstract Interest in quality of annealing of steel rolls is needed to know the temperature inside of object, where the temperatures are lowest during annealing. Recently in the world this temperature can not be measured in the real conditions and time of annealing is set up empirically. In the paper we describe a method for indirect estimating of inner temperature array of steel roll. In term of realisation of this method is important to reach a desired accuracy of indirect measurement. For this reason we designed a adaptation of model of indirect measurement, which has been verified. The using of this adaptation the level of accuracy of indirect measurement is adequate to accuracy of engineering. Key words : annealing of steel rolls, indirect measurement, adaptation Coresponding author e-mail: karol[dot]kostur[at]tuke[dot]sk Session: Process Measurements and Devices |