DESIGN OF CONTROLLERS FOR TIME DELAY SYSTEMS USING POLYNOMIAL METOD AND STANDARD FORMSVAVRUŠA, S.; VOJTĚŠEK, J. Abstract The paper contains two methodologies of the controller design for time delay systems. The first proposed method is based on polynomial approach and LQ control technique ensures setpoint tracking as well as load disturbance attenuation. The resulting controllers obtained via polynomial Diophantine equations and spectral factorization technique are stable ones. The second method uses standard forms – ISTE and IST2E. Time delay terms are approximated by a 0/1 or 0/2 order Padé approximation and they are incorporated into the control design as a perturbation. Both methods are presented and compared by the result charts. Coresponding author e-mail: vavrusa[at]barum[dot]cz Session: Linear and Non-linear Control System Design |