AUTOMATICKÉ NASTAVOVÁNÍ PID REGULÁTORŮ POMOCÍ ROZHRANÍ OPCBALDA, P.; SCHLEGEL, M.; ŠTĚTINA, M. Abstract This paper presents an interface for online tuning of PID controllers of various manufacturers. The interface is based on the OLE for Process Control Data Acquisition standard (OPC DA). Using this interface, it is possible to establish a real-time connec-tion with the particular controller, which is supplied with an OPC server, to carry out an identification experiment, to design the controller parameters based on the experiment results, to verify the designed parameters in the simulations and finally to set the pa-rameters to the controller. The proposed interface is open (new variables can be added) and it is suitable for remote controller tuning using the Internet. The interface has been implemented in the commercially available program RexTune. Coresponding author e-mail: pavel[dot]balda[at]seznam[dot]cz Session: Robust and Adaptive Control |