AUTOMATION OF IMAGE ANALYSIS BY VIRTUAL INSTRUMENTSHUSÁKOVÁ, A.; JIRÁK, E. Abstract This work deals with assessment of the features of heterogeneous loose mixtures using an image analysis. The created system for image acquisition consists of a digital camera, an illumination system and a round rotatable base. The captured images are then analysed by the virtual instruments. These instruments are created through the use of an image analyser IMAQ Vision Builder and a graphical programming language LabVIEW, produced by National Instruments. The developed system was tested on three samples of heterogeneous loose mixtures, whose analyse was based on the particle identification on the basis of their size (sugar crystals), colour (poppy seed) and shape (rice grains). All of the virtual instruments are able to evaluate the series of photos stored in the selected directory and to display the measured and calculated values concerning the number, volume and percent occurrence of satisfactory particles in the mixture. Further it creates diagrams or histograms improving measured data visualisation and determines, whether the analysed mixture complies with the requirements of the standard. Coresponding author e-mail: Anna[dot]Husakova[at]vscht[dot]cz Session: Process Measurements and Devices |