INTERNET BASED CONTROL EDUCATIONSCHMID, C. Abstract The focus of this survey is put to a large extent on special technical aspects of on-line learning and of learning platforms in the Internet for engineering students. This is necessary because of the special requirements in control engineering. Starting with learning and experimentation issues, on-line learning platforms are analysed and the typical characteristics in this field are worked out. Special attention is given to remote laboratories and their technology. The aim of this kind of distance learning environment is to facilitate the access to these plants for students and professionals in the area of control engineering. Furthermore, resource sharing among the involved universities reduces money and time for maintenance or development of new experiments. The approach for remote experimentation incorporates software that uses a powerful computational together with fast prototyping real-time software to build up the laboratory experiments. It is shown how to give the student the necessary feeling of interacting with real, physical equipment. Live media and virtual reality techniques are used to support the user interface. The implementation issues are discussed and an example is given. A detailed view into the future is dared last. Coresponding author e-mail: cs[at]atp[dot]rub[dot]de Session: Plenary lecture |