IDTOOL 3.0 - A DYNAMICAL SYSTEM IDENTIFICATION TOOLBOX FOR MATLAB/SIMULINKČIRKA, ¼.; FIKAR, M. Abstract New version of the dynamical system IDentification TOOLbox (IDTOOL) for MATLAB (Simulink) is presented. This toolbox implements blocks for continuous-time and discrete-time single-input single-output (SISO) and multi-input multi-output (MIMO) estimation methods, respectively. The identification method used as a work-house routine is LDDIF - recursive least squares algorithm with exponential and directional forgetting. To improve the tracking performance, the corrections as suggested by Bittanti are implemented. In the principle, the corrections influence the covariance matrix of the estimated parameters by adding some multiple of identity matrix. Coresponding author e-mail: lubos[dot]cirka[at]stuba[dot]sk Session: Modelling, Simulation, and Identification of Processes |