- Renáta Masárová: UPPER DENSITY, QUASI-DENSITY OF SUBSET OF THE SETS OF NATURAL NUMBERS. V Mathematics, Information Technologies and Applied Sciences 2022 post-conference proceedings of extended versions of selected papers, Brno, Czech Republic, str. 55-61, 2022.
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- Ladislav Mišík: On the theorem by Estrada and Kanwal. University of Defence, Brno, V Mathematics, Information Technologies Applied Sciences 2017, str. 177-182, 2017.
- Renáta Masárová: UPPER DENSITY, QUASI-DENSITY OF SUBSET OF THE SETS OF NATURAL NUMBERS. V Mathematics, Information Technologies and Applied Sciences 2022 post-conference proceedings of extended versions of selected papers, Brno, Czech Republic, str. 55-61, 2022.
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- K.C. Ciesielski – D. Miller: A continuous tale on continuous and separately continuous functions. Real Analysis Exchange, č. 41, zv. 1, str. 19-54, 2016.
- V. Baláž: Remarks on separate continuity versus joint continuity of functions f: R^m → R. str. 8–13, 2019.
- Vladimír Baláž: On Generalized Notion of Convergence by Means of Ideal and Its Applications. University of Defence, Brno, V Mathematics, Information Technologies Applied Sciences 2017, str. 9-20, 2017.
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- Chiranjib Choudhury – Shyamal Debnath: ON I- CONVERGENCE OF SEQUENCES IN GRADUAL NORMED LINEAR SPACES. Facta Universitatis, Series: Mathematics and Informatics, č. 3, zv. 36, str. 595 - 604, 2021.
- Ladislav Mišík – János T. Tóth: IDEAL EXTENSIONS OF OLIVIER'S THEOREM. Real Analysis Exchange, č. 1, zv. 46, str. 261-268, 2021.
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- Chiranjib Choudhury – Shyamal Debnath: On some properties of IK−convergence. Palestine Journal of Mathematics, č. 2, zv. 11, str. 129-135, 2022.
- Shyamal Debnath – Chiranjib Choudhury: On IK−st convergence of sequence of real numbers. Palestine Journal of Mathematics, č. 2, zv. 11, str. 505-510, 2022.
- Pratulananda Das: Ideals, Nonnegative Summability Matrices and Corresponding Convergence Notions: A Short Survey of Recent Advancements. Axioms., č. 1, zv. 11, str. 1-16, 2022.
- Shyamal Debnath – Chiranjib Choudhury: On AIK –summability. URAL MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL, č. 1, zv. 8, str. 13-22, 2022.
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- MUSTAFA GULFIRAT: ANOTHER EXAMPLE FOR P −IDEALS. Mersin University, TÜRKİYE 2024, V Abstract Book 10th Ifs And Contemporary Mathematics and Engineering Conference, str. 77, 2024.
- Vladimír Baláž: On Generalized Notion of Convergence by Means of Ideal and Its Applications. University of Defence, Brno, V Mathematics, Information Technologies Applied Sciences 2017, str. 9-20, 2017.
- Ladislav Mišík: On the theorem by Estrada and Kanwal. University of Defence, Brno, V Mathematics, Information Technologies Applied Sciences 2017, str. 177-182, 2017.
- Martin Mačaj – Martin Sleziak – Vladimír Toma: ON WEIGHTED UNIFORM DENSITY. Uniform Distribution Theory 3 (2008), no.2, str. 101-127, 2008.
- O. Strauch – Ľ. Holá – J. Belasova – V. Baláž: Tibor Šalát (1926-2005), ACADEMIA, vydavateľstvo SAV, 2019, 2019.
- Karlova,O: Some properties of strongly separately continuous functions on products. Bukovinskij Math. Journal, č. 2, zv. 2-3, str. 119-125, 2014.
- Karlova,O.: Сильно нарізно неперервні функції і одна характеризація відкритих множин в ящиковому добутку. Мат. Студії, č. 43, zv. 1, str. 36-42, 2015.
- Karlova, O. – Mykhaylyuk, V.: A Characterization of the discontinuity point set of strongly separately continuous functions on products. Mathematica Slovaca, č. 6, zv. 66, str. 1475-1486, 2016.
- Karlova, O: The Baire classification of strongly separately continuous functions. Real Analysis Exchange, č. 40, zv. 2, str. 371-383, 2015.
- K.C. Ciesielski – D. Miller: A continuous tale on continuous and separately continuous functions. Real Analysis Exchange, č. 41, zv. 1, str. 19-54, 2016.
- V. Baláž: Remarks on separate continuity versus joint continuity of functions f: R^m → R. str. 8–13, 2019.
- O. Strauch – Ľ. Holá – J. Belasova – V. Baláž: Tibor Šalát (1926-2005), ACADEMIA, vydavateľstvo SAV, 2019, 2019.
- Vladimír Baláž: On Generalized Notion of Convergence by Means of Ideal and Its Applications. University of Defence, Brno, V Mathematics, Information Technologies Applied Sciences 2017, str. 9-20, 2017.
- Ladislav Mišík: On the theorem by Estrada and Kanwal. University of Defence, Brno, V Mathematics, Information Technologies and Applied Sciences 2017, str. 177-182, 2017.
- Martin Mačaj – Martin Sleziak – Vladimír Toma: ON WEIGHTED UNIFORM DENSITY. Uniform Distribution Theory 3 (2008), no.2, str. 101-127, 2008.
- O. Strauch – Ľ. Holá – J. Belasova – V. Baláž: Tibor Šalát (1926-2005), ACADEMIA, vydavateľstvo SAV, 2019, 2019.