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Vedecká činnosť:
Reálne funkcie, multifunkcie, teória grafov, teória čísel



  1. O. Strauch – Ľ. Holá – J. Belasova – V. Baláž: Tibor Šalát (1926-2005), ACADEMIA, vydavateľstvo SAV, 2019, 2019.
  2. A. Kolesárová – V. Baláž: Matematika II, Nakladateľstvo STU Bratislava, 2011.

Kapitola alebo strany v knihe

  1. V. Baláž – T. Visnyai: I–convergence of arithmetical functions, V Number Theory and Its Applications, Editor(i): Prof. Cheon Seoung Ryoo, IntechOpen Limited, 5 Princes Gate Court, London, SW7 2QJ, UNITED KINGDOM, 2020.

Článok v časopise

  1. V. Baláž – T. VisnyaiA. Maťašovský: I^{h}-convergence and convergence of positive series. Mathematical Communications, č. 1, zv. 28, str. 1–9, 2023.
  2. O. Strauch – V. Baláž: COPULAS. Uniform Distribution Theory, č. 1, zv. 18, str. 147–200, 2023.
  3. V. Baláž – A. Faisant – G. Grekos: ON REAL ALGEBRAS ASSOCIATED WITH IDEAL CONVERGENCE. Real Analysis Exchange, č. 2, zv. 47, 2022.
  4. V. Baláž – A. MaťašovskýT. Visnyai: Remarks on M_{p,g} summability and I_{c}^{g}-convergence of sequences of real numbers. Mathematics, Information Technologies and Applied Sciences 2022, post-conference proceedings of extended versions of selected papers, str. 8–13, 2022.
  5. V. Baláž – K. Liptai – J. T.Tóth – T. Visnyai: Convergence of positive series and ideal convergence. Annales Mathematicae et Informaticae, č. 2, zv. 52, str. 19–30, 2020.
  6. V. Baláž: Remarks on separate continuity versus joint continuity of functions f: R^m → R. str. 8–13, 2019.
  7. V. Baláž – J. Gogola – T. Visnyai: I(q)c-convergence of arithmetical functions. Journal of Number Theory, zv. 183, str. 74–83, 2018.
  8. V. Baláž – A. MaťašovskýT. Visnyai: Remark on the dominant Weierstrass criterion for the uniform convergence of series of functions. Mathematics, Information Technologies and Applied Sciences, Post-conference proceedings of extended versions of selected papers, str. 8–15, 2018.
  9. V. Baláž: On Generalized Notion of Convergence by Means of Ideal and Its Applications. 2017.
  10. V. Baláž – M. R. Iacó – O. Strauch – S. Thonhauser – R. F. Tichý: An extremal problem in uniform distribution theory. Uniform Distribution Theory, č. 1, zv. 18, str. 1–21, 2016.
  11. V. Baláž – J. Fialová – M. Hofer – M. R. Iacó – O. Strauch: The asymptotic distribution function of 4-dimension shifted Van der Corput sequence. Tatra Mountains Mathematical Publications, zv. 64, str. 1–18, 2015.
  12. V. Baláž – J. Fialová – O. Strauch: Hilbert space with reproducing kernel and uniform distribution preserving maps II.. Uniform Distribution Theory, č. 1, zv. 18, str. 67–91, 2014.
  13. Š. Porubský – V. Baláž – L. Mišík – J. T. Tóth: Septuagenarian Oto Strauch. Uniform Distribution Theory, č. 1, zv. 9, str. i–xv, 2014.
  14. V. Baláž – J. Fialová – V. Grozdanov – S. Stoilova – O. Strauch: Hilbert Space with Reproducing Kernel udn Uniform Distribution Preserving Maps I.. Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics (Contenporary problems in Mathematics), č. 17, str. 6–36, 2013.
  15. V. Baláž – L. Mišík – O. Strauch – J. T. Tóth: Distribution Functions of Ratio Sequences IV.. Periodica Mathematica Hungarica, č. 1, zv. 66, str. 1–22, 2013.
  16. V. Baláž – L. Mišík – O. Strauch – J. T. Tóth: Distribution functions of ratio sequences, III.. Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen, č. 3-4, zv. 82, str. 1–19, 2013.
  17. V. Baláž – P. Liardet – O. Strauch: Distribution Functions Of Sequence Phi(N)/N, M\in[K,K+N), As K,N Go To Infinity. INTEGERS, zv. 10, str. 705–732, 2010.
  18. V. Baláž – K. Nagasaka – O. Strauch: Zakon Benforda i funkcii raspredelenija posledovateľnostej na (0,1). Matematičeskie zametki, č. 4, zv. 88, str. 485–501, 2010.
  19. V. Baláž – K. Nagasaka – O. Strauch: Benford’s Law and Distribution Functions of Sequences in (0, 1). Mathematical Notes, č. 4, zv. 88, str. 449–463, 2010.
  20. V. Baláž – Ľ. Holá – K. Sakálová – O. Strauch: Spomienky na Profesora Tibora Šaláta. Obzory matematiky, fyziky a informatiky, č. 36, str. 65–71, 2007.
  21. V. Baláž – O. Strauch – T. Šalát: Remarks on several types of convergence of bounded sequences. Acta Mathematica Universitatis Ostraviensis, č. 14, str. 3–12, 2006.
  22. V. Baláž – T. Šalát: Uniform density u and corresponding I_u convergence. Mathematical Communications, č. 11, str. 1–7, 2006.
  23. V. Baláž: Remark on the structure of two function spaces by applying notation of zeros and fixed points. Aplimat the 1st International conference, str. 61–68, 2002.
  24. V. Baláž – J. Červeňanský – P. Kostyrko – T. Šalát: I-convergence and I-continuity of real functions. Acta Mathematica, č. 5, str. 43–50, 2002.
  25. V. Baláž – T. Šalát: Zeros of continuos functions and the structure of two function space. Mathematica Slovaca, č. 4, zv. 52, str. 397–408, 2002.
  26. M. Šabo – V. Baláž: Sensitivity of fuzzy connectives. BUSEFAL, č. 75, str. 34–40, 1998.
  27. V. Baláž – V. Kvasnička – J. Pospíchal – M. Šabo: Grafy, počítače, chémia IV. Matematické obzory, zv. 42, str. 31–43, 1995.
  28. V. Baláž – V. Kvasnička – J. Pospíchal – M. Šabo: Grafy, počítače, chémia III. Matematické obzory, zv. 42, str. 35–45, 1994.
  29. V. Baláž – V. Kvasnička – J. Pospíchal – M. Šabo: Grafy, počítače, chémia II. Matematické obzory, zv. 42, str. 31–41, 1993.
  30. V. Baláž – V. Kvasnička – J. Pospíchal: Two metrics in a Graph Theory Modeling of Organic Chemistry. Discrete Applied Mathematics, zv. 35, str. 1–19, 1992.
  31. V. Baláž – V. Kvasnička – J. Pospíchal – M. Šabo: Grafy, počítače, chémia I. Matematické obzory, zv. 39, str. 9–18, 1992.
  32. V. Baláž – V. Kvasnička – J. Pospíchal: Grafy v chémii. Acta Math. Univ. Comenian, zv. 44/45, str. 14–20, 1991.
  33. V. Kvasnička – J. Pospíchal – V. Baláž: Reaction and chemical distances and reaction graphs. Theor. Chim. Acta, zv. 79, str. 65–79, 1991.
  34. V. Baláž – V. Kvasnička – J. Pospíchal: Dual approach to edge distance between graphs. Časopis pro pěstování matematiky, č. 2, zv. 114, str. 155–159, 1989.
  35. V. Baláž: Remarks on almost and weak forms continuity of functions. Sborník VŠCHT Praha M2, str. 53–61, 1988.
  36. Ľ. Holá – V. Baláž – T. Neubrunn: Remarks on c-continuous multifunctions. Sborník VŠCHT Praha M2, str. 53–61, 1988.
  37. V. Baláž: On almost and weak forms of continuity of functions and multifunctions. Mathematica Slovaca, č. 1, zv. 37, str. 53–61, 1987.
  38. V. Baláž – V. Kvasnička – J. Koča – S. Milan: A Metric for Graphs. Časopis pro pestování matematiky, zv. 111, str. 431–433, 1986.
  39. V. Baláž: On weak forms of continuity and product spaces. Acta Math. Univ. Comenian, zv. 44/45, str. 169–179, 1984.

Príspevok na konferencii

  1. V. Baláž – A. MaťašovskýT. Visnyai: I_{c}^{g}-convergence and regular matrix method of summability. Editor(i): Miroslav Hrubý, Edita Kolářová, V Mathematics, Information Technologies And Applied Sciences, University of Defence, Brno, Šumavská 4, Czech Republic, str. 8–8, 2023.
  2. V. Baláž – A. MaťašovskýT. Visnyai: On the regular matrix method of summability and I_{c}^{g}-convergence. University of Defence, Brno, Czech Republic, str. 8–14, 2023.
  3. V. Baláž – A. MaťašovskýT. Visnyai: I_{c}^{g}-convergence and M_{p,g} summability of sequences of real numbers. Editor(i): Miroslav Hrubý, Edita Kolářová, V Mathematics, Information Technologies And Applied Sciences, University of Defence, Brno, Šumavská 4, Czech Republic, str. 8–8, 2022.
  4. V. Baláž: On separately continuous functions f:R^m -> R. Editor(i): Miroslav Hrubý, Pavlína Račková, V Matematika, informační technologie a aplikované vědy, Univerzita obrany, Brno, str. 11–11, 2019.
  5. V. Baláž: On Generalized Notion of Convergence by Means of Ideal and Its Applications. V 19.Konferencia košických matematikov, 2018.
  6. V. Baláž – A. MaťašovskýT. Visnyai: On the uniform convergence of function series. Editor(i): Miroslav Hrubý, Pavlína Račková, V Matematika, informační technologie a aplikované vedy (MITAV 2018), Univerzita obrany v Brne, str. 13–14, 2018.
  7. V. Baláž: I-convergence and its Applications in Number Theory. V Matematika, informacni technologie a aplikovane vedy, Brno, Univerzita obrany, 2017.
  8. V. Baláž: I-convergence a jej aplikácie v teórii čísel. V Matematika, informacni technologie a aplikovane vedy, Brno, Univerzita obrany, 2017.
  9. V. Baláž – J. Fialová – L. Mišík – O. Strauch: Weighted sum-of-digits function. V 5th International Conferencie on Uniform Distribution Theory Sopron, Hungary, str. 1–7, 2016.
  10. V. Baláž: Hilbert Space with Reproducing Kernel end Uniform Distribution Preserving Maps. V Atelier de travail "Les densités at leurs applications", St. Etienne, Frace, 2013.
  11. V. Baláž – J. Fialová – O. Strauch: Hilbert space with reproducing kernel and uniform distribution preserving maps. V 21st Czech and Slovak International Conference on Number Theory, University of Ostrava, zv. 21, 2013.
  12. V. Baláž – J. Fialová – V. Grozdanov – S. Stoilova – O. Strauch: Hilbert Space with Reproducing Kernel and Uniform Distribution Preserving Maps I.. V The 3rd International Conference on Uniform Distribution Theory, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Smolenice, str. 2–2, 2012.
  13. V. Baláž – J. Fialová – V. Grozdanov – S. Stoilova – O. Strauch: Hilbert Space with Reproducing Dernel and Uniform Distribution Preserving Maps I.. V Number Theory, Stará Lesná, zv. 20, 2011.
  14. V. Dimitrieva-Ristovska – V. Grozdanov – V. Baláž – O. Strauch – S. Stoilova: An upper asymptotic bound of the mean squere worst case error of the integration in the Sobolev space by using tent transformation. V Proceedings of the 8th International conference for informatics and information technology CIIT, Bitola, Bulgaria, str. 80–82, 2011.
  15. V. Baláž – V. Grozdanov – V. Ristovska-Dimitrieva – O. Strauch – S. Stoilova: On the Mean Square Worst-Case Error of the Quasi-Monte Carlo Integration in Weighted Sobolev Spaces. V Numerical Methods and Applications, Borovets, Bulgaria, zv. The 17th International Conference,Borovets, Bulgaria, 2010.
  16. V. Baláž – P. Liardet: International Conference On Uniform Conference, Marseilles, CIRM. V Uniform Distribution Theory, č. 2, zv. 3, str. 1–8, 2008.
  17. V. Baláž: Remarks on uniform density u. V Proceedings IAM, Workshop on Informatic, Automatization and Mathematics STU, str. 43–48, 2007.
  18. V. Baláž – T. Šalát: Uniform density u and corresponding Iu and Iu-star-convergence. V XXIV-iemes Journeé Arithmetiques 4-8 julliet, Marseille, str. 15, 2005.
  19. V. Baláž – T. Šalát: Uniform density u and corresponding I_u-convergence. V The 17th Czech and Slovak International Conference on Number Theory, Malenovice Czech Republik, str. 15, 2005.
  20. V. Baláž: Remark on the structureof two function spaces by applying notation of zeros and fixed points. V 1st International Conference Aplimat, STU press, str. 61–68, 2002.
  21. V. Baláž: Zeros and fixed points of continuous functions and the stucture of function space C(R). V 3rd Scientific Colloqium Prague, str. 108–112, 2001.
  22. V. Baláž: Remark on Intermediate Value Theorem and Fixed Point Theorem for Real Functions. V Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Faculty, Mechanical Engineering Faculty Press 1998, str. 151–153, 1998.
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